Live A Life You Love

"If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." -John Irving

This quote sits on my desk and I have probably read it every day for a long time. But it especially rang true for me in 2017. In fact, the words haunted me. Because I knew it was time. Time to let go of relationships that no longer served me, time to let go of a house that trapped me in more ways than one, time to let go of fears that were the real cause of inaction, and time to let go of being afraid of my vulnerability….”who do you think you are, what if you fail”, but with each decision a bigger voice said, “you got this!” Call it getting older, or call it an outpouring of a cultural and spiritual disconnection, especially in this last year, but it seems there is an urgency to no longer put off what we know we are here to do. Talking to many of you, I know you feel it too. We are craving for an authentic and much more spiritual connection.
Join me, in the art of crafting the life of your dreams! I would love to hear from you…. what is your laugh out loud dream if you knew you only had one year to live? The sillier the better! Next, let me know if there is a place for me to teach in your area, and get this party rollin’! 
Let’s build the Sweet Bird community even greater than it already is! Businesses and lives well spent are about the people, and you all are better than silver and gold. I am so grateful to each and every one of you for your loyal support!
Here’s to your resilience, steely courage, and gritty determination in 2018!