The Silver Savior

“The Journey Is The Destination”

Do you feel it too? But it’s not a time to run away or sit numb devouring the crappy details of what the five o’clock news spouts.
It’s a time to act, a time to CREATE. A time for making PEACE out of chaos. Time for spreading LOVE. Of folks living their DREAMS.
I want to imagine for just awhile what life would be like if we had the ability to create a new reality, one that's filled with wonder, purpose, and power like we've never had before.
That is my New American Dream.
Imagine exploring those new possibilities while forging new friendships and meaningful relationships with incredible people who have lived those ideas, as well as like-minded people like you.
“Never before in the history of our country have we gone to the moon, but don’t even know our neighbors”, as the Dalai Lama so aptly observed.
The only thing to do about it, is to do something about it. This is my small step as just one artist that cares. In hopes to help. In hopes of feeling confident, connected and contented in our country. To heal myself and in the process, to hopefully heal each other. After all, we’re all in this together.
We all are the story tellers of a language based in love. I look forward to meeting you and hearing your story. The Silver Savior is exploring the alley ways and blue highways of the pulse of our country, not about division, but by what makes us all similar in our needs and wants, and also so unique with our gifts we have to share.
Let’s dance, make art, laugh and hug our anger into a profound knowing that we can make a difference. Ultimately, I believe we will heal not from politicians, but by the gifts we all have to give and that need to be shared.
Beginning in September, I will be taking the Ambassador out to meet some of the thousands of individuals that are becoming Ambassadors for the Possible. You can watch these amazing individuals through my YouTube series, The Silver Savior and at the Sweet Bird Studio website. These are the people of our vast country using the power of the arts to impact positive social change.
And to do this, I am proud to be partnering with my fiscal sponsor, Creative Visions. I would be honored if you could be a donor and help me fund this trip and the towns we will be going through. Creative Visions is a nonprofit, so any and all donations are tax deductible.
What is your calling? Please e-mail me and let me know! I want to meet you! Do you have a spot for me to teach a workshop? A place to park the Airstream? Pop-up show? Community event together? Email me! Lean in… toward each other. Reach out, and let me know we need to meet you and hear your story. Your story matters here.
To find love and connection across differences is our savior.
Welcome to the Silver Savior. Because Art Saves.
New friends to meet. Treasures to be found. Windows Rolled Down,