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Tough Angels

Sweet Bird Family Spotlight: Patricia Melnice Tough Angels emerged after Patty Melnice quit her much loved job as a visual sylist with Neiman Marcus, put her belongings in storage and traveled alone to Africa in 2009. Patty worked extensively with victims of rape against women and children in developing countries. In Patty's words, "I don't claim to have all the answers , but once you've witnessed the horrors that women and children endure, it's impossible to 'unsee' them". In support of Patty's work Sweet Bird is joining her mission, "Rings of Hope". You likely have jewelry that has broken or missing parts. Those items can make a difference. The Rings of Hope project through Tough Angels can receive full refinery...

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Salt On Warm Skin, The Stuff Of Oceans And Tears

As the plane took off for Mexico last week, I wondered how the locals would receive us as the US was trying to close the border. Would we be safe, given all the turmoil between our two countries? I've traveled to Mexico a lot over the years, but this is a different era we find ourselves in. My friends and I went on a three hour sailing cruise out of Cabo San Lucas. We sailed and snorkeled under the beautiful skies and waters of the Sea of Cortez. As the day wore on, the captain of the sail boat asked what I did for a living. I showed him the bracelet that I never take off. It is of Our...

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Lisa's Chickens

  You can not imagine how your crusade and message resonated with me and truly left me with goosebumps. Having gone through some major life jerkers the past few years, I am finally at a place where I know I have something great to share with and give to the world and for me that is chickens. Recently, I took my "Fuck You Money" and bought a little farm where I am not only going to expand my chicken and feed business, but I am going to hold workshops and camps and above all... I WILL be free. Free to live my dream and share my love of farming with the world. Since I have been farming, i have met...

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Don't Quit Your Daydream!

Dear Sweet Birdies, Happy New Year! Wow, 2019 has started with a bang and I want to share the exciting happenings with you! We are honored to be asked to make commemorative belt buckles for Governor-elect for Colorado Jared Polis and several entertainers, namely Cyndi Lauper and Melissa Etheridge for his inaugural ball on January 8th in Denver! I will keep you posted on the project as well as working on a Colorado belt buckle for purchase soon! The next exciting news (and most unusual to date) is that I am also honored to be working on a project for Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber ( to read more) relating to the launch of her new upcoming book Shameless. We will be making...

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Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?

One of my all time greatest idols and hero’s is Amelia Earhart. When I’m feeling low on courage, feel the fear of change creeping in, I think of her. What strikes me most is her relaxed way. Everything about her is at ease and she exudes confidence. Each time I look at her in this photo I get inspired. Autumn is a time that also inspires me. The days are turning shorter, the air is crisp, the leaves are performing their final encore as they fall to the ground and the birds are slowly making their way south. I am running my own race, feeling the urgency to get out, creatively, what is in me that is begging to come...

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